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     Amazing Counters
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    Why Choose Amazing Counters

    If you're looking for a free hit counter, we believe that Amazing Counters is probably your best choice.

    Our unique and exciting styles is one reason why many people choose us. We have far more styles that virtually every other service, including hundreds of unique, exclusive designs that are of the highest quality. If you want a cool design that matches your personality and will stand out on your site, one of our designs should suit you perfectly. If you want a design that will blend in well with your site, you can find that too. Even if you don't want the counter seen at all, you are still accomodated, as our hidden, invisible style can be used to provide you with private stats when you login at AmazingCounters.com

    Others value us most for our speed and reliability. We have a super effecient architecture, highly tuned database, and run the service on powerful Intel dual core servers. This all is done to help assure that the service is as reliable as possible, and so that your counters will appear on your page quickly.

    Another reason people choose us is for our historical traffic stats. Although these statistics are not very detailed, having a basic chart of your hits over time can really help you guage how popular your site is and how fast it is growing in popularity. Most of the free counters out there do not provide any stats.

    People also pick us because of trust. They trust that if they sign up with us, we will protect their personal information and they will not get spam. Unlike some of the free counter services out there, we do not sell any statistics or customer data to anyone. We do not send any spam, and never have. By including sponsor links with each free counter, we don't need to resort to these tactics to cover our costs or earn a profit.

    Sign Up for a Free Hit Counter Now!

    ©2004 - 2023 Amazing Counters
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